Thursday, January 15, 2009

Updates / Beehandling 08 / Icefishing 09

It has been a long time since my last post. For this I apologise to all, hopefully I can correct this. The 08 year was very busy with work and Family. My bees were a passing sideline as I went home. I keep them 16 miles south of my home at my friend Franks place. It is easier for me being this is my way home each night from work. I get off interstate and drive 10 minutes and I am there. The Bees did well making three swarms this past year. But honey was down at the end because of low rainfall. Frank caught one swarm and I hived them and they absconded. And a Friend called with another, and they absconded. So I know of 5 feral colony's out there in Wisconsin. One being the bee tree where the single one came from. I am building more WarrA hives this winter and hope to populate them this 09 swarm season. I got in contact with a pest control man. And He agreed to give me all his swarm calls. So I hope to fill up as many hives as possible. I am posting some pics with this of feral swarm catch. And me and the boys hope to go icefishing soon. :) :) :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie,
Nice Pictures with all the feral swarms around there last season Ibet you could bait some into the new Warre this season! Heres heeping you and yours in our thoughts. God bless and pray for a great start to this new season!

Chain Drive Charlie said...

Thanks Gary, I am looking at baiting with Warre type hive boxs. And thanks for the blessing and prayer they are greatly appreciated. God Bless you and your Family too.